Welcome to SibCirinos Walking Fundraiser!

Paul (in Houston) and Sussana (in San Diego) Cirino are siblings who walk. A lot. Last year we walked a combined 3500 miles, and want to match or pass that this year, and we figured we should do something with it. So our goal is to raise 1 buck a mile! Any donation will help make an impact and we will match what is raised. We chose three charities, the American Cancer Society, the American Red Cross, and Collaborative to End Human Trafficking.

To donate, click on the DONATE! button or follow the link of the organization of your choice, and that will take you to the appropriate page. It is that easy!

Pick your charity... and Donate!
American Cancer Society

donate American Cancer Society
The American Cancer Society

American Red Cross

donate American Red Cross
The American Red Cross

Human Trafficking

donate Human Trafficking
Collaborative To End Human Trafficking

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